sequence package#


sequence.bathymetry module#

Read bathymetry.

This module contains Landlab components to read bathymetry into a SequenceModelGrid.

class sequence.bathymetry.BathymetryReader(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Landlab component that reads bathymetry from a file.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], kind: str = 'linear')[source]#

Generate a bathymetric profile from a file.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (str) – Name of csv-formatted bathymetry file.

  • kind (str, optional) – Kind of interpolation as a string (one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’). Default is ‘linear’.

run_one_step(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Update the grid’s bathymetry.


dt (float, optional) – Time step to update the component by. Currently this value is unused.

property x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the x-coordinates of the grid.

property z: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the elevations along the grid.

sequence.cli module#

The command line interface for Sequence.

sequence.cli.err(message: str | None = None, nl: bool = True, **styles: Any) None[source]#

Print a user error message.

sequence.cli.out(message: str | None = None, nl: bool = True, **styles: Any) None[source]#

Print a user info message.

sequence.errors module#

Errors used by sequence.

exception sequence.errors.InvalidRowError(row: int, n_rows: int)[source]#

Bases: OutputValidationError

Raise this exception if a required variable is missing from an output file.

__str__() str[source]#

Return error message that includes the requested row.

exception sequence.errors.MissingRequiredVariable(name: str)[source]#

Bases: OutputValidationError

Raise this exception if a required variable is missing from an output file.

__str__() str[source]#

Return error message that includes the name of the missing variable.

exception sequence.errors.OutputValidationError[source]#

Bases: SequenceError

Raise this exception if there is something wrong with an output file.

exception sequence.errors.ParameterMismatchError(keys: Iterable[str])[source]#

Bases: SequenceError

Raise this exception if values from two configurations are mismatched.

__str__() str[source]#

Return an error message with the offending keys.

exception sequence.errors.SequenceError[source]#

Bases: Exception

All sequence errors should inherit from this class.

exception sequence.errors.ShelfEdgeError(msg: str)[source]#

Bases: SequenceError

Raise this exception is there was an errors locating the shelf edge.

__str__() str[source]#

Return an error message in human-readable form.

exception sequence.errors.ShorelineError(msg: str)[source]#

Bases: SequenceError

Raise this exception if there was an error locating the shoreline.

__str__() str[source]#

Return an error message in human-readable form.

sequence.fluvial module#

Calculate the fraction of sand on the delta plain.

This module contains Landlab components that add a sand fraction to a SequenceModelGrid.

class sequence.fluvial.Fluvial(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Landlab component that calculates delta-plain sand fraction.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sand_frac: float = 0.5, wave_base: float = 60.0, sediment_load: float = 3.0, sand_density: float = 2650.0, plain_slope: float = 0.0008, hemipelagic: float = 0.0, sea_level: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate percent sand/mud for fluvial section.

Add hemipelagic mud to the seaward end of section.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sand_frac (str, optional) – Fraction of sand on the delta.

  • wave_base (float, optional) – Wave base (m).

  • sediment_load (float, optional) – Sediment load.

  • sand_density (float, optional) – The grain density of sand [kg / m^3]

  • plain_slope (float, optional) – The gradient of the flood plain.

  • hemipelagic (float, optional) – Hemipelagic sedimentation.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – The current sea level (m).

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component one time step.


dt (float) – The time step to update the component by.

sequence.grid module#

Define the grid used for creating Sequence models.

class sequence.grid.SequenceModelGrid(shape: int | tuple[int, int], spacing: float | tuple[float, float] = 100.0)[source]#

Bases: RasterModelGrid

Create a Landlab ModelGrid for use with Sequence.

__init__(shape: int | tuple[int, int], spacing: float | tuple[float, float] = 100.0)[source]#

Create a Landlab ModelGrid for use with Sequence.

  • shape (int or tuple of int) – The number of columns in the cross-shore direction or, if a tuple, (n_rows, n_cols) where rows are in the along-shore direction and columns in the cross-shore direction.

  • spacing (float or tuple of float, optional) – The spacing between columns or, if len(shape) == 2, (row_spacing, col_spacing).


>>> from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid(5, spacing=10.0)
>>> grid.y_of_row
array([  0.,  1.,  2.])
>>> grid.x_of_column
array([ 0.,  10.,  20.,  30.,  40.])
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid((3, 5), spacing=(10000.0, 10.0))
>>> grid.y_of_row
array([  0.,  10000.,  20000.,  30000., 40000.])
>>> grid.x_of_column
array([ 0.,  10.,  20.,  30.,  40.])
classmethod from_dict(params: dict) SequenceModelGrid[source]#

Create a SequenceModelGrid from a dict.

If possible, this alternate constructor simply passes along the dictionary’s items as keywords to __init__(). It also, however, supports a dictionary that contains the parameters used to create a general RasterModelGrid, quietly ignoring the extra parameters.


params (dict) – A dictionary that contains the parameters needed to create the grid.


>>> from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
>>> params = {"shape": 5, "spacing": 10.0}
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid.from_dict(params)
>>> grid.y_of_row
array([  0.,  1.,  2.])
>>> grid.x_of_column
array([ 0.,  10.,  20.,  30.,  40.])
>>> params = {"shape": (3, 5), "spacing": (10000.0, 10.0)}
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid.from_dict(params)
>>> grid.y_of_row
array([  0.,  10000.,  20000.,  30000., 40000.])
>>> grid.x_of_column
array([ 0.,  10.,  20.,  30.,  40.])
classmethod from_toml(filepath: PathLike[str]) SequenceModelGrid[source]#

Load a SequenceModelGrid from a toml-formatted file.


filepath (os.PathLike[str]) – Path to the toml file that contains the grid parameters.

get_profile(name: str) ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]][source]#

Return the values of a field along the grid’s profile.


name (str) – The name of an at-node field.


values – The values of the field located at the middle row of nodes.

Return type:


property number_of_columns: int#

Number of columns of nodes.

property number_of_rows: int#

Number of rows of nodes.

property x_of_column: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]#

X-coordinate for each column of the grid.

property y_of_row: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]#

Y-coordinate for each row of the grid.

sequence.input_reader module#

Read input files.

This module contains utilities for reading Sequence input data.

class sequence.input_reader.TimeVaryingConfig(times: Iterable[float], dicts: Iterable[dict])[source]#

Bases: object

A configuration dictionary that is able to change with time.

__call__(time: float) dict[source]#

Return the configuration at a given time.


time (float) – The time of the configuration.


The configuration at the time.

Return type:


__init__(times: Iterable[float], dicts: Iterable[dict])[source]#

Create a time-varying configuration.

  • times (iterable of int) – Time keys for each dictionary.

  • dicts (iterable of dict) – Dictionary to use at each time.


>>> from sequence.input_reader import TimeVaryingConfig
>>> params = TimeVaryingConfig([0, 1], [dict(foo=0, bar=1), dict(foo=1)])
>>> sorted(params.items())
[(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 0)]
>>> params.update(1)
{'foo': 1}
>>> sorted(params.items())
[(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 1)]
as_dict() dict[source]#

Represent the current configuration as a dict.

diff(start: float, stop: float) dict[source]#

Return the difference between two different configurations.

  • start (float) – The time of the first configuration.

  • stop (float) – The time of the second configuration.


The key/values that have changed between the two configurations.

Return type:


dump(fmt: str = 'toml') str[source]#

Write the current configurations to a string.


fmt (str, optional) – Format to dump the configuration to.


The configuration in the requested format.

Return type:


classmethod from_file(name: PathLike, fmt: str | None = None) TimeVaryingConfig[source]#

Load a configuration from a file.

  • name (path-like) – The name of the configuration file to read.

  • fmt (str, optional) – The format of the configuration file.

classmethod from_files(names: Iterable[str | PathLike[str]], times: Iterable[float] | None = None) TimeVaryingConfig[source]#

Load a configuration from a set of files.

  • names (iterable of path-like) – Names of files to read.

  • times (iterable of float) – Times associated with each file.

static get_loader(fmt: str) Callable[[TextIO], list[tuple[float, dict]]][source]#

Get a configuration loader for a given format.


fmt (str) – The configuration format (e.g. ‘toml’, ‘yaml’).


A loader function for the format.

Return type:



ValueError – If a loader for the format can’t be found.

static get_supported_formats() list[str][source]#

Return a list of supported configuration formats.


Names of the supported formats.

Return type:

list of str

items() Iterable[tuple[float, dict]][source]#

Return the items of the current configuration.

static load_toml(stream: TextIO) list[tuple[float, dict]][source]#

Load a configuration in toml-format.


stream (file-like) – The toml-formatted configuration.


The configurations and their associated times.

Return type:

list of (float, dict)

static load_yaml(stream: TextIO) list[tuple[float, dict]][source]#

Load a configuration in yaml-format.


stream (file-like) – The yaml-formatted configuration.


The configurations and their associated times.

Return type:

list of (float, dict)

update(inc: int) dict[source]#

Update the configurations by a time step.


inc (float) – The amount of time to increment the configuration by.


The difference between the current configuration and the new configuration.

Return type:


sequence.input_reader.load_config(stream: TextIO | str | PathLike[str], fmt: str | None = None) Iterable[tuple[float, dict]] | dict[source]#

Load model configuration from a file-like object.

  • stream (file-like) – A test stream that contains the configuration.

  • fmt (str, optional) – The format of the configuration (e.g. ‘toml’, ‘yaml’).


The, possibly time-varying, configuration.

Return type:


sequence.logging module#

Logger used for printing Sequence log messages.

class sequence.logging.LoggingHandler(level=0)[source]#

Bases: Handler

Print Sequence log messages.

emit(record: LogRecord) None[source]#

Print a log message.


record (LogRecord) – The log to print.

sequence.logging.logging_handler() Generator[None, None, None][source]#

Change, temporarily, the current logger.

sequence.netcdf module#

Write a SequenceModelGrid to a NetCDF file.

sequence.netcdf.to_netcdf(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], mode: str = 'w', format: str = 'NETCDF4', time: float = 0.0, at: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, ids: dict[str, ndarray[Any, dtype[integer]]] | int | Iterable[int] | slice | None = None, names: None | dict[str, Iterable[str] | None] | str | Iterable[str] = None, with_layers: bool = True) None[source]#

Write a grid and fields to a netCDF file.

  • grid (grid_like) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (str) – File to which to save the grid.

  • mode ({'w', 'a'}, optional) – Write (‘w’) or append (‘a’) mode. If mode=’w’, any existing file at this location will be overwritten. If mode=”a”, existing variables will be appended as a new time slice.

  • format ({'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'}, optional) – File format for the resulting netCDF file.

  • time (float, optional) – Time to use when adding data. This will be appended to the time variable.

  • at (str or iterable or str, optional) – Field location(s) on the grid for fields to write. Locations can be ‘node’, ‘link’, ‘patch’, ‘corner’, ‘face’, ‘patch’. The default is to write variables from all field locations.

  • ids (array_like of int, optional) – Indices of elements to write.

  • names (iterable or str, optional) – Names of fields to write to the netCDF file.

  • with_layers (bool, optional) – Indicate if the NetCDF file should contain the grid’s layers.

sequence.output_writer module#

Write a SequenceModelGrid to a file.

class sequence.output_writer.OutputWriter(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Write output to a netcdf file.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], interval: int = 1, fields: Iterable[str] | None = None, clobber: bool = False, rows: Iterable[str] | None = None)[source]#

Create an output-file writer.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – The grid to write to a file.

  • filepath (path-like) – Path to the output file.

  • interval (int, optional) – The number of time steps between updates to the output file.

  • fields (list of str, optional) – Names of (at-node) fields to include in the output file.

  • clobber (bool, optional) – If True and the provided file already exists, quietly overwrite it, otherwise raise an exception.

  • rows (iterable of int) – The rows of the grid to include in the file.

property fields: Iterable[str]#

Return the names of the fields to include in the output file.

property filepath: str | PathLike[str]#

Return the path to the output file.

property interval: int#

Return the interval for which output will be written.

run_one_step(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Update the writer by a time step.


dt (float, optional) – The time step to update the component by.

sequence.plot module#

Plot the layers of a SequenceModelGrid.

sequence.plot.plot_file(filename: str | PathLike, row: int | None = None, **kwds: Any) None[source]#

Plot a SequenceModelGrid from a Sequence output file.

  • filename (path-like) – Path to the file to plot.

  • row (int, optional) – Row to plot. If not provided, plot the middle row.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to plot_layers().

See also


Plot layers from a 2D array of elevations.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers.

sequence.plot.plot_grid(grid: SequenceModelGrid, row: int | None = None, **kwds: Any) None[source]#

Plot a SequenceModelGrid.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – The grid to plot.

  • row (int, optional) – The row of the grid to plot. If not provided, plot the middle row.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to plot_layers().

See also


Plot layers from a 2D array of elevations.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers from a file.

sequence.plot.plot_layers(elevation_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], x_of_stack: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, x_of_shore_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, x_of_shelf_edge_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, color_water: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 1.0, 1.0), color_land: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 1.0, 0.8), color_shoreface: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 0.8, 0.0), color_shelf: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.75, 0.5, 0.5), layer_line_width: float = 0.5, layer_line_color: tuple[float, float, float] | str = 'k', layer_start: int = 0, layer_stop: int = -1, n_layers: int = 5, title: str = '', x_label: str = 'Distance (m)', y_label: str = 'Elevation (m)', legend_location: str = 'lower left') None[source]#

Create a plot of sediment layers along a profile.

  • elevation_at_layer (array-like) – Elevations along each layer to plot.

  • x_of_stack (array-like, optional) – X-coordinate of each stack. If not provided, use the stack index.

  • x_of_shore_at_layer (array-like, optional) – The x-position of the shoreline at each layer.

  • x_of_shelf_edge_at_layer (array-like, optional) – The x-position of the shelf edge at each layer.

  • color_water (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for water.

  • color_land (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for land.

  • color_shoreface (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for the shoreface.

  • color_shelf (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for the shelf.

  • layer_line_width (float, optional) – Width of the line to use for outlining layers.

  • layer_line_color (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for layer outlines.

  • layer_start (int, optional) – The first layer to plot.

  • layer_stop (int, optional) – The last layer to plot.

  • n_layers (int, optional) – The number of layers to plot.

  • title (str, optional) – The title to use for the plot.

  • x_label (str, optional) – The label to use for the x-axis.

  • y_label (str, optional) – The label to use for the y-axis.

  • legend_location (str, optional) – The location of the legend. Valid values are those accepted by the loc keyword use in matplotlib.pyplot.legend().

See also


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers from a file.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers.

sequence.processes module#

All available processes to include in a Sequence model.

class sequence.processes.Compact(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

__init__(grid, c: float = 5e-08, rho_grain: float = 2650.0, excess_pressure: float = 0.0, porosity_min: float = 0.0, porosity_max: float = 1.0, rho_void: float = 1000.0, gravity: float = 9.80665)[source]#

Compact layers of sediment.

  • grid (RasterModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • c (ndarray or number, optional) – Compaction coefficient that describes how easily the sediment is to compact [Pa^-1].

  • rho_grain (ndarray or number, optional) – Grain density of the sediment [kg / m^3].

  • excess_pressure (ndarray or number, optional) – Excess pressure with depth [Pa].

  • porosity_min (ndarray or number, optional) – Minimum porosity that can be achieved by the sediment. This is the porosity of the sediment in its closest-compacted state [-].

  • porosity_max (ndarray or number, optional) – Maximum porosity of the sediment. This is the porosity of the sediment without any compaction [-].

  • rho_void (ndarray or number, optional) – Density of the interstitial fluid [kg / m^3].

  • gravity (float) – Acceleration due to gravity [m / s^2].


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 5))
>>> for layer in range(5):
...     grid.event_layers.add(100.0, porosity=0.7)
>>> compact = Compact(grid, porosity_min=0.1, porosity_max=0.7)
>>> compact.run_one_step()
RasterModelGrid((3, 5), xy_spacing=(1.0, 1.0), xy_of_lower_left=(0.0, 0.0))
>>> compact.grid.event_layers["porosity"] < 0.7
array([[ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> < 100.0
array([[ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
property c: float#
property excess_pressure: float#
property gravity: float#
property params#
property porosity_max: float#
property porosity_min: float#
property rho_grain: float#
property rho_void: float#
class sequence.processes.Fluvial(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Landlab component that calculates delta-plain sand fraction.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sand_frac: float = 0.5, wave_base: float = 60.0, sediment_load: float = 3.0, sand_density: float = 2650.0, plain_slope: float = 0.0008, hemipelagic: float = 0.0, sea_level: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate percent sand/mud for fluvial section.

Add hemipelagic mud to the seaward end of section.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sand_frac (str, optional) – Fraction of sand on the delta.

  • wave_base (float, optional) – Wave base (m).

  • sediment_load (float, optional) – Sediment load.

  • sand_density (float, optional) – The grain density of sand [kg / m^3]

  • plain_slope (float, optional) – The gradient of the flood plain.

  • hemipelagic (float, optional) – Hemipelagic sedimentation.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – The current sea level (m).

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component one time step.


dt (float) – The time step to update the component by.

class sequence.processes.SeaLevelTimeSeries(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Modify sea level through a time series.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], kind: str = 'linear', start: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate sea level values.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (str) – Name of csv-formatted sea-level file.

  • kind (str, optional) – Kind of interpolation as a string (one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’). Default is ‘linear’.

  • start (float, optional) – Set the initial time for the component.

property filepath: str | PathLike[str]#

Return the path to the sea-level file.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step.

property time: float#

Return the current component time.

class sequence.processes.SedimentFlexure(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: DynamicFlexure

Landlab component that deflects a SequenceModelGrid due to sediment loading.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sand_density: float = 2650, mud_density: float = 2720.0, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, water_density: float = 1030.0, **kwds: dict)[source]#

Subside elevations due to sediment loading.

  • grid (ModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sand_density (float, optional) – Grain density of the sediment sand-fraction.

  • mud_density (float, optional) – Grain density of the sediment mud-fraction.

  • water_density (float, optional) – Density of water.

  • isostasytime (float, optional) – Response time of the lithosphere to loading.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to Flexure1D.

static calc_bulk_density(grain_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], void_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], porosity: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]) float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate the bulk density of a material with a given porosity.

  • grain_density (float) – Density of grains.

  • void_density (float) – Density of material that fills the void space.

  • porosity (float) – The porosity of the mixture.


The bulk density of the material.

Return type:


property mud_bulk_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the bulk density of mud.

property mud_density: float#

Return the density of mud.

run_one_step(dt: float = 1.0) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float, optional) – The time step over which to update the component.

property sand_bulk_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the bulk density of sand.

property sand_density: float#

Return the density of sand.

update() None[source]#

Update the component by a single time step.

static validate_density(density: float) float[source]#

Validate a density value.


density (float) – The density value to validate.


The density value.

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if the value is invalid.

property water_density: float#

Return the density of water.

class sequence.processes.ShorelineFinder(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Find a grid’s shoreline.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, alpha: float = 0.0005)[source]#

Create a shoreline finder.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A Sequence grid.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Parameter used to find the shoreline when interpolating between nodes.

property alpha: float#

Return the alpha parameter used to calculate the shoreline.

run_one_step(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Update the component on time step.


dt (float, optional) – The time step to update the component by. Since this component is not time-varying, this value is ignored.

update() None[source]#

Update the component one time step to find the new shoreline.

class sequence.processes.SinusoidalSeaLevel(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: SeaLevelTimeSeries

Adjust a grid’s sea level using a sine curve.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, wave_length: float = 1.0, amplitude: float = 1.0, phase: float = 0.0, mean: float = 0.0, start: float = 0.0, linear: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate sea level values.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • wave_length (float, optional) – The wave length of the sea-level curve in [y].

  • amplitude (float, optional) – The amplitude of the sea-level curve.

  • phase (float, optional) – The phase shift of the sea-level curve [y].

  • mean (float, optional) – Mean sea-level (disregarding any trend with time).

  • start (float, optional) – The time of the component [y].

  • linear (float, optional) – Linear trend of the sea-level curve with time [m / y].

class sequence.processes.SubmarineDiffuser(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: LinearDiffuser

Model sea-floor evolution on a SequenceModelGrid as diffusion.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sea_level: float = 0.0, plain_slope: float = 0.0008, wave_base: float = 60.0, shoreface_height: float = 15.0, alpha: float = 0.0005, shelf_slope: float = 0.001, sediment_load: float = 3.0, load_sealevel: float = 0.0, basin_width: float = 500000.0, **kwds: Any)[source]#

Diffuse the ocean bottom.

  • grid (RasterModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – The current sea level (m).

  • plain_slope (float, optional) – Slope of the delta plain (m / m).

  • wave_base (float, optional) – Wave base (m).

  • shoreface_height (float, optional) – Water depth of the shelf/slope break (m).

  • alpha (float, optional) – Coefficient used to calculate the diffusion coefficient (1 / m).

  • shelf_slope (float, optional) – Slope of the shelf (m / m).

  • sediment_load (float, optional) – Sediment load entering the profile (m2 / y).

  • load_sealevel (float, optional) – Fractional variation of sediment load with sea level (m2/y/m_sl). i.e., .003 =0.3% increase/decrease with sea level rise/fall (30% with 100m)

  • basin_width (float, optional) – Length of drainage basin upstream of model. Creates increase in diffusivity downstream by (basin_width + x) / basin_width from increase river flow (m).

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to LinearDiffuser.

property alpha: float#

Return the alpha parameter.

calc_diffusion_coef(x_of_shore: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate and store diffusion coefficient values.


x_of_shore (float) – The x-position of the shoreline.


The example below tests the result with 3 of the middle-row nodes above sea level and three below, two of which are in deep water (below the default 60 m wave base).

>>> from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
>>> import numpy as np
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid((1, 6), spacing=(1.0, 200.0))
>>> z = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
>>> z[6:12] = np.array([3., 3., 1., -1., -85., -85.])
>>> z.reshape((3, 6))
array([[  0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [  3.,   3.,   1.,  -1., -85., -85.],
       [  0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.]])
>>> submarine_diffuser = SubmarineDiffuser(grid, basin_width=0.0)
>>> diffusion_coef = submarine_diffuser.calc_diffusion_coef(x_of_shore=500.0)
>>> np.round(diffusion_coef.reshape((3, 6))[1])
array([ 3750.,  3750.,  3750.,   333.,    11.,    16.])

The calculated diffusion coefficient is also saved as an at-node field.

>>> diffusion_coef is grid.at_node["kd"]
property k_land: float#

Return the diffusion coefficient use for land.

property load0: float#

Return the sediment load entering the profile.

property plain_slope: float#

Return the gradient of the delta plain.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Advance component one time step.


dt (float) – Time step to advance component by.

property sea_level: float#

Return sea level elevation.

property sediment_load: float#

Return the sediment load entering the profile.

property shelf_slope: float#

Return the slope of the shelf.

property shoreface_height: float#

Return the height of the shoreface.

property time: float#

Return the component’s current time.

property wave_base: float#

Return the depth of the wave base.

class sequence.processes.SubsidenceTimeSeries(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

A Landlab component that subsides a grid.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: PathLike, kind: str = 'linear')[source]#

Create a grid subsider from a time-series file.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (os.PathLike) – Name of csv-formatted subsidence file.

  • kind (str, optional) – Kind of interpolation as a string (one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’). Default is ‘linear’.

property filepath: str#

Return the path to the current subsidence file.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step to update the component by.

property subsidence_rate: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]#

Return the current subsidence rate.

property time: float#

Return the current component time.

sequence.sea_level module#

Components that adjust sea level.

This module contains Landlab components used for adjusting a grid’s sea level.

class sequence.sea_level.SeaLevelTimeSeries(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Modify sea level through a time series.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], kind: str = 'linear', start: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate sea level values.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (str) – Name of csv-formatted sea-level file.

  • kind (str, optional) – Kind of interpolation as a string (one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’). Default is ‘linear’.

  • start (float, optional) – Set the initial time for the component.

property filepath: str | PathLike[str]#

Return the path to the sea-level file.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step.

property time: float#

Return the current component time.

class sequence.sea_level.SinusoidalSeaLevel(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: SeaLevelTimeSeries

Adjust a grid’s sea level using a sine curve.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, wave_length: float = 1.0, amplitude: float = 1.0, phase: float = 0.0, mean: float = 0.0, start: float = 0.0, linear: float = 0.0)[source]#

Generate sea level values.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • wave_length (float, optional) – The wave length of the sea-level curve in [y].

  • amplitude (float, optional) – The amplitude of the sea-level curve.

  • phase (float, optional) – The phase shift of the sea-level curve [y].

  • mean (float, optional) – Mean sea-level (disregarding any trend with time).

  • start (float, optional) – The time of the component [y].

  • linear (float, optional) – Linear trend of the sea-level curve with time [m / y].

sequence.sediment_flexure module#

Subside a SequenceModelGrid using flexure.

class sequence.sediment_flexure.DynamicFlexure(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Flexure1D

Calculate non-isostatic flexure.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, **kwds: dict[str, Any])[source]#

Inherit from this base class for non-isostatic flexure.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A Landlab grid.

  • isostasytime (float, optional) – The e-folding time for a deflection to reach equilibrium.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to Flexure1D.

calc_dynamic_deflection(isostatic_deflection: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], dt: float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate the non-isostatic deflection.

  • isostatic_deflection (ndarray of float) – The isostatic deflection.

  • dt (float) – Time step over which to subside.


deflection – The deflections over the given time step.

Return type:

ndarray of float

static calc_isostasy_fraction(isostasy_time: float | None, dt: float) float[source]#

Calculate the fraction of isostatic subsidence.

  • isostasy_time (float or None) – The time parameter that represente the e-folding time to isostasy. If None, assume isostasy.

  • dt (float) – Time step.


Fraction of isostatic subsidence that occurs over the time step.

Return type:


property isostasy_time: float | None#

Return the isostasy time.

static validate_isostasy_time(time: float) float[source]#

Validate an isostasy time value.


time (float) – The isostasy time value to validate.


The isostasy time value.

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if the value is invalid.

class sequence.sediment_flexure.SedimentFlexure(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: DynamicFlexure

Landlab component that deflects a SequenceModelGrid due to sediment loading.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sand_density: float = 2650, mud_density: float = 2720.0, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, water_density: float = 1030.0, **kwds: dict)[source]#

Subside elevations due to sediment loading.

  • grid (ModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sand_density (float, optional) – Grain density of the sediment sand-fraction.

  • mud_density (float, optional) – Grain density of the sediment mud-fraction.

  • water_density (float, optional) – Density of water.

  • isostasytime (float, optional) – Response time of the lithosphere to loading.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to Flexure1D.

static calc_bulk_density(grain_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], void_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], porosity: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]) float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate the bulk density of a material with a given porosity.

  • grain_density (float) – Density of grains.

  • void_density (float) – Density of material that fills the void space.

  • porosity (float) – The porosity of the mixture.


The bulk density of the material.

Return type:


property mud_bulk_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the bulk density of mud.

property mud_density: float#

Return the density of mud.

run_one_step(dt: float = 1.0) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float, optional) – The time step over which to update the component.

property sand_bulk_density: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]#

Return the bulk density of sand.

property sand_density: float#

Return the density of sand.

update() None[source]#

Update the component by a single time step.

static validate_density(density: float) float[source]#

Validate a density value.


density (float) – The density value to validate.


The density value.

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if the value is invalid.

property water_density: float#

Return the density of water.

class sequence.sediment_flexure.WaterFlexure(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: DynamicFlexure

Landlab component that deflects a SequenceModelGrid due to water loading.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, **kwds: dict)[source]#

Calculate flexural subsidence due to changes in water loading.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A Landlab grid.

  • isostasytime (float) – The e-folding time for a deflection to reach equilibrium.

  • water_density (float, optional) – Density of water.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to Flexure1D.

calc_flexure_due_to_water(change_in_water_depth: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], change_in_sea_level: float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate flexure due to water loading.

  • change_in_water_depth (ndarray or float) – The change in water depth along the profile causing the deflection.

  • change_in_sea_level (float) – The change in sea level that adds to the deflection.


Deflections along the profile caused by the water loading.

Return type:

ndarray of float

calc_half_plane_deflection(load: float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate the deflection due to a half-plane load.


load (float) – The added (or removed) load.


The deflections along the grid.

Return type:


static calc_water_loading(z: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], water_density: float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate the water load.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step over which to update the component.

update() None[source]#

Update the component by a single time step.

sequence.sequence module#

Sequence’s main API for constructing sequence-stratigraphic models.

class sequence.sequence.Sequence(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Landlab component interface to the Sequence model.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, time_step: float = 100.0, components: Iterable | None = None)[source]#

Create a Sequence model.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A model grid.

  • time_step (float, optional) – The time step at which the model will run each of its components.

  • components (iterable, optional) – A list of components to run every time step.

add_layer(dz_at_cell: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]]) None[source]#

Add a new layer to each cell.



Thickness of the new layers for each cell along the profile.

layer_properties() dict[str, _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]][source]#

Return the properties being tracked at each layer.


properties – A dictionary of the tracked properties where the keys are the names of properties and the values are the property values at each column.

Return type:


layer_reducers() dict[str, Any][source]#

Return layer-reducers for each property.


reducers – A dictionary of reducers where keys are property names and values are functions that act as layer reducers for those quantities.

Return type:


plot() None[source]#

Plot the grid.

run(until: float | None = None, dt: float | None = None, progress_bar: bool = True) None[source]#

Run the model to a given time.

  • until (float, optional) – The time (in years) to run the model to. If not provided, run for a single time step.

  • dt (float, optional) – Run using a time step other than what the component was initialized with.

  • progress_bar (bool, optional) – If True display a progress bar while the model is running.

property time: float#

Return the current model time (in years).

update(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Update the model of a given time step.


dt (float, optional) – The length of time to run the model for. If not given, update the model a single time step.

sequence.sequence_model module#

Build a SequenceModelGrid model from collection of components.

class sequence.sequence_model.SequenceModel(grid: SequenceModelGrid, clock: dict | None = None, processes: dict | None = None, output: dict | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Orchestrate a set of components that operate on a SequenceModelGrid.

ALL_PROCESSES = ('sea_level', 'subsidence', 'compaction', 'submarine_diffusion', 'fluvial', 'flexure')#
DEFAULT_PARAMS = {'bathymetry': {'filepath': 'bathymetry.csv', 'kind': 'linear'}, 'clock': {'start': 0.0, 'step': 100.0, 'stop': 600000.0}, 'compaction': {'c': 5e-08, 'porosity_max': 0.5, 'porosity_min': 0.01, 'rho_grain': 2650.0, 'rho_void': 1000.0}, 'flexure': {'isostasytime': 0, 'method': 'flexure', 'rho_mantle': 3300.0}, 'grid': {'shape': (1, 100), 'spacing': (1.0, 1000.0)}, 'output': {'clobber': True, 'fields': ['sediment_deposit__thickness', 'bedrock_surface__elevation'], 'filepath': '', 'interval': 10}, 'sea_level': {'amplitude': 10.0, 'linear': 0.0, 'phase': 0.0, 'wave_length': 200000.0}, 'sediments': {'hemipelagic': 0.0, 'layers': 2, 'mud': 0.006, 'mud_density': 2720.0, 'sand': 1.0, 'sand_density': 2650.0, 'sand_frac': 0.5}, 'submarine_diffusion': {'alpha': 0.0005, 'basin_width': 500000.0, 'load_sealevel': 0.0, 'plain_slope': 0.0008, 'sediment_load': 3.0, 'shelf_slope': 0.001, 'shoreface_height': 15.0, 'wave_base': 60.0}, 'subsidence': {'filepath': 'subsidence.csv'}}#
LONG_NAME = {'z': 'topographic__elevation', 'z0': 'bedrock_surface__elevation'}#
__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, clock: dict | None = None, processes: dict | None = None, output: dict | None = None)[source]#

Create a model on a SequenceModelGrid.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – The grid on which the model is run.

  • clock (dict) – Parameters for the model’s clock.

  • processes (iterable of components) – A list of the components to run as part of the model.

  • output (component) – A component used to write output files.

advance_components(dt: float) None[source]#

Update each of the components by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step to advance the components.

property clock: TimeStepper#

Return the model’s clock.

property components: tuple#

Return the name of enabled components.

property grid: SequenceModelGrid#

Return the model’s grid.

layer_properties() dict[str, _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]][source]#

Return the properties being tracked at each layer.


properties – A dictionary of the tracked properties where the keys are the names of properties and the values are the property values at each column.

Return type:


layer_reducers() dict[str, Any][source]#

Return layer-reducers for each property.


reducers – A dictionary of reducers where keys are property names and values are functions that act as layer reducers for those quantities.

Return type:


static load_grid(params: dict, bathymetry: dict | None = None) SequenceModelGrid[source]#

Load a SequenceModelGrid.

  • params (dict) – Parameters used to create the grid.

  • bathymetry (dict, optional) – Parameters used to set the initial bathymetry of the grid.

static load_processes(grid: SequenceModelGrid, processes: Iterable[str], context: dict[str, dict]) dict[source]#

Instantiate processes.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A Sequence grid.

  • processes (Iterable[str], optional) – List of the names of the processes to create.

  • context (dict) – A context from which to draw parameters to create the processes.

run() None[source]#

Run the model until complete.

run_one_step(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Run each component for one time step.

set_params(params: dict[str, dict]) None[source]#

Update the parameters for the model’s processes.


params (dict) – The new parameters for the processes.

sequence.shoreline module#

Find the shoreline of a SequenceModelGrid.

This module contains methods for calculating a grid’s shoreline and shelf edge.

class sequence.shoreline.ShorelineFinder(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

Find a grid’s shoreline.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, alpha: float = 0.0005)[source]#

Create a shoreline finder.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A Sequence grid.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Parameter used to find the shoreline when interpolating between nodes.

property alpha: float#

Return the alpha parameter used to calculate the shoreline.

run_one_step(dt: float | None = None) None[source]#

Update the component on time step.


dt (float, optional) – The time step to update the component by. Since this component is not time-varying, this value is ignored.

update() None[source]#

Update the component one time step to find the new shoreline.

sequence.shoreline.find_shelf_edge(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], dz: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], x_of_shore: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | float = 0.0, alpha: float = 0.0005) float[source]#

Find the shelf edge based on deposit thickness.

  • x (ndarray of float) – x-positions of the profile.

  • dz (ndarray of float) – Deposit thickness.

  • x_of_shore (float, optional) – The x-position of the shoreline.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Constant used in interpolating the precise location of the shoreline.


The x-coordinate of the shelf edge.

Return type:



ShelfEdgeError – If the data do not contain the shelf edge.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sequence.shoreline import find_shelf_edge

Create a depositional profile where the maximum deposition is at x=1.0.

>>> x = np.arange(50.) / 5.0
>>> deposit = x * np.exp(-x)
>>> find_shelf_edge(x, deposit, x_of_shore=0.0, alpha=1e3)
sequence.shoreline.find_shelf_edge_by_curvature(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], z: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], sea_level: float = 0.0) float[source]#

Find the x-coordinate of the shelf edge.

The shelf edge is the location where the curvature of sea-floor elevations is a minimum.

  • x (ndarray of float) – x-positions of the profile.

  • z (ndarray of float) – Elevations of the profile.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – Elevation of sea level.


The x-coordinate of the shelf edge.

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sequence.shoreline import find_shelf_edge_by_curvature
>>> x = np.arange(50.)
>>> z = - np.arctan(x / 5.0 - 5.0)
>>> find_shelf_edge_by_curvature(x, z, sea_level=z.max())
sequence.shoreline.find_shoreline(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], z: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], sea_level: float = 0.0, kind: str = 'cubic') ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | float[source]#

Find the shoreline of a profile.

  • x (array of float) – X-positions of profile.

  • z (array of float) – Elevations along the profile.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – Elevation of sea level.

  • kind (str, optional) – Interpolation method used to find shoreline. Values are the same as those used for scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Default is ‘cubic’.


X-position of the shoreline.

Return type:



>>> from sequence.shoreline import find_shoreline
>>> import numpy as np

Create a linearly-dipping profile.

>>> x = np.arange(10.)
>>> z = - x + 5.
>>> z
array([ 5.,  4.,  3.,  2.,  1.,  0., -1., -2., -3., -4.])

Find the shoreline.

>>> find_shoreline(x, z, kind='linear')
>>> find_shoreline(x, z, sea_level=.25, kind='linear')

If sea level is higher/lower than the max/min elevation, return the first/last x value.

>>> find_shoreline(x, z, sea_level=100., kind='linear')
>>> find_shoreline(x, z, sea_level=-100., kind='linear')
sequence.shoreline.find_shoreline_index(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], z: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], sea_level: float = 0.0) ndarray[Any, dtype[integer]] | int[source]#

Find the landward-index of the shoreline.

  • x (array of float) – X-positions of profile.

  • z (array of float) – Elevations along the profile.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – Elevation of sea level.


Index into z landward of the shoreline.

Return type:



ValueError – If the profile does not contain a shoreline.


>>> from sequence.shoreline import find_shoreline_index
>>> import numpy as np

Create a linearly-dipping profile.

>>> x = np.arange(10.)
>>> z = - x + 5.
>>> z
array([ 5.,  4.,  3.,  2.,  1.,  0., -1., -2., -3., -4.])

Find the shoreline.

>>> find_shoreline_index(x, z)
>>> find_shoreline_index(x, z, sea_level=.25)

If sea level is higher/lower than the max/min elevation, raise a ShorelineError.

>>> find_shoreline_index(x, z, sea_level=100.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
sequence.errors.ShorelineError: No shoreline found. The profile is all below sea level
>>> find_shoreline_index(x, z, sea_level=-100.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
sequence.errors.ShorelineError: No shoreline found. The profile is all above sea level

sequence.submarine module#

Diffuse sediment along a profile.

class sequence.submarine.SubmarineDiffuser(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: LinearDiffuser

Model sea-floor evolution on a SequenceModelGrid as diffusion.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, sea_level: float = 0.0, plain_slope: float = 0.0008, wave_base: float = 60.0, shoreface_height: float = 15.0, alpha: float = 0.0005, shelf_slope: float = 0.001, sediment_load: float = 3.0, load_sealevel: float = 0.0, basin_width: float = 500000.0, **kwds: Any)[source]#

Diffuse the ocean bottom.

  • grid (RasterModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • sea_level (float, optional) – The current sea level (m).

  • plain_slope (float, optional) – Slope of the delta plain (m / m).

  • wave_base (float, optional) – Wave base (m).

  • shoreface_height (float, optional) – Water depth of the shelf/slope break (m).

  • alpha (float, optional) – Coefficient used to calculate the diffusion coefficient (1 / m).

  • shelf_slope (float, optional) – Slope of the shelf (m / m).

  • sediment_load (float, optional) – Sediment load entering the profile (m2 / y).

  • load_sealevel (float, optional) – Fractional variation of sediment load with sea level (m2/y/m_sl). i.e., .003 =0.3% increase/decrease with sea level rise/fall (30% with 100m)

  • basin_width (float, optional) – Length of drainage basin upstream of model. Creates increase in diffusivity downstream by (basin_width + x) / basin_width from increase river flow (m).

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to LinearDiffuser.

property alpha: float#

Return the alpha parameter.

calc_diffusion_coef(x_of_shore: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | float) ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]][source]#

Calculate and store diffusion coefficient values.


x_of_shore (float) – The x-position of the shoreline.


The example below tests the result with 3 of the middle-row nodes above sea level and three below, two of which are in deep water (below the default 60 m wave base).

>>> from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
>>> import numpy as np
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid((1, 6), spacing=(1.0, 200.0))
>>> z = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
>>> z[6:12] = np.array([3., 3., 1., -1., -85., -85.])
>>> z.reshape((3, 6))
array([[  0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [  3.,   3.,   1.,  -1., -85., -85.],
       [  0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.]])
>>> submarine_diffuser = SubmarineDiffuser(grid, basin_width=0.0)
>>> diffusion_coef = submarine_diffuser.calc_diffusion_coef(x_of_shore=500.0)
>>> np.round(diffusion_coef.reshape((3, 6))[1])
array([ 3750.,  3750.,  3750.,   333.,    11.,    16.])

The calculated diffusion coefficient is also saved as an at-node field.

>>> diffusion_coef is grid.at_node["kd"]
property k_land: float#

Return the diffusion coefficient use for land.

property load0: float#

Return the sediment load entering the profile.

property plain_slope: float#

Return the gradient of the delta plain.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Advance component one time step.


dt (float) – Time step to advance component by.

property sea_level: float#

Return sea level elevation.

property sediment_load: float#

Return the sediment load entering the profile.

property shelf_slope: float#

Return the slope of the shelf.

property shoreface_height: float#

Return the height of the shoreface.

property time: float#

Return the component’s current time.

property wave_base: float#

Return the depth of the wave base.

sequence.subsidence module#

Subside a SequenceModelGrid.

class sequence.subsidence.SubsidenceTimeSeries(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: Component

A Landlab component that subsides a grid.

__init__(grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: PathLike, kind: str = 'linear')[source]#

Create a grid subsider from a time-series file.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – A landlab grid.

  • filepath (os.PathLike) – Name of csv-formatted subsidence file.

  • kind (str, optional) – Kind of interpolation as a string (one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’). Default is ‘linear’.

property filepath: str#

Return the path to the current subsidence file.

run_one_step(dt: float) None[source]#

Update the component by a time step.


dt (float) – The time step to update the component by.

property subsidence_rate: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]#

Return the current subsidence rate.

property time: float#

Return the current component time.

Module contents#

A sequence-stratigraphic model of a 1D profile written with Landlab.