Source code for sequence.input_reader

"""Read input files.

This module contains utilities for reading *Sequence* input data.
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import pathlib
import warnings
from import Callable
from import Iterable
from import Sequence
from os import PathLike
from typing import Any
from typing import TextIO

import numpy as np
import tomlkit as toml
import yaml

[docs] def load_config( stream: TextIO | str | PathLike[str], fmt: str | None = None ) -> Iterable[tuple[float, dict]] | dict: """Load model configuration from a file-like object. Parameters ---------- stream : file-like A test stream that contains the configuration. fmt : str, optional The format of the configuration (e.g. 'toml', 'yaml'). Returns ------- TimeVaryingConfig The, possibly time-varying, configuration. """ if fmt is None: if isinstance(stream, (str, pathlib.Path)): fmt = pathlib.Path(stream).suffix[1:] else: raise ValueError("unable to determine format") loader = TimeVaryingConfig.get_loader(fmt) if isinstance(stream, (str, PathLike)): with open(stream) as fp: times_and_params = loader(fp) else: times_and_params = loader(stream) if len(times_and_params) == 1: return times_and_params[0][1] else: return times_and_params
[docs] class TimeVaryingConfig: """A configuration dictionary that is able to change with time."""
[docs] def __init__(self, times: Iterable[float], dicts: Iterable[dict]): """Create a time-varying configuration. Parameters ---------- times : iterable of int Time keys for each dictionary. dicts : iterable of dict Dictionary to use at each time. Examples -------- >>> from sequence.input_reader import TimeVaryingConfig >>> params = TimeVaryingConfig([0, 1], [dict(foo=0, bar=1), dict(foo=1)]) >>> sorted(params.items()) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 0)] >>> params.update(1) {'foo': 1} >>> sorted(params.items()) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 1)] """ self._times = tuple(times) self._dicts = [_flatten_dict(d) for d in dicts] self._time = 0 for d in self._dicts: for key, value in d.items(): if isinstance(value, list): d[key] = tuple(value) self._current = self._dicts[0]
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterable[tuple[float, dict]]: """Return the items of the current configuration.""" return self._current.items()
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Represent the current configuration as a `dict`.""" return _expand_dict(self._current)
[docs] def __call__(self, time: float) -> dict: """Return the configuration at a given time. Parameters ---------- time : float The time of the configuration. Returns ------- dict The configuration at the time. """ d = {} for next_dict in self._dicts[: self._bisect_times(time)]: d.update(next_dict) return d
def _bisect_times(self, time: float) -> int: return int(np.searchsorted(self._times, time, side="right"))
[docs] def diff(self, start: float, stop: float) -> dict: """Return the difference between two different configurations. Parameters ---------- start : float The time of the first configuration. stop : float The time of the second configuration. Returns ------- dict The key/values that have changed between the two configurations. """ start_params, stop_params = self(start), self(stop) return { k: stop_params[k] for k, _ in set(stop_params.items()) - set(start_params.items()) }
[docs] def update(self, inc: int) -> dict: """Update the configurations by a time step. Parameters ---------- inc : float The amount of time to increment the configuration by. Returns ------- dict The difference between the current configuration and the new configuration. """ next_time = self._time + inc prev = self._bisect_times(self._time) next_ = self._bisect_times(next_time) if next_ > prev: self._current = self(next_time) diff = _expand_dict(self.diff(self._time, next_time)) else: diff = {} self._time = next_time return diff
[docs] def dump(self, fmt: str = "toml") -> str: """Write the current configurations to a string. Parameters ---------- fmt : str, optional Format to dump the configuration to. Returns ------- str The configuration in the requested format. """ docs = [_expand_dict(self._dicts[0])] for prev, next_ in zip(self._times[:-1], self._times[1:]): docs.append(_expand_dict(self.diff(prev, next_))) for time, doc in zip(self._times, docs): doc["_time"] = time if fmt == "toml": return toml.dumps({"sequence": docs}) elif fmt == "yaml": return yaml.dump(docs, default_flow_style=False) else: raise ValueError(f"unrecognized format: {fmt}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_files( cls, names: Iterable[str | PathLike[str]], times: Iterable[float] | None = None, ) -> TimeVaryingConfig: """Load a configuration from a set of files. Parameters ---------- names : iterable of path-like Names of files to read. times : iterable of float Times associated with each file. """ dicts = [] for name in [pathlib.Path(n) for n in names]: with open(name) as fp: loader = TimeVaryingConfig.get_loader(name.suffix[1:]) dicts.extend([p for _, p in loader(fp)]) if times is None: times = list(range(len(dicts))) return cls(times, dicts)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, name: PathLike, fmt: str | None = None) -> TimeVaryingConfig: """Load a configuration from a file. Parameters ---------- name : path-like The name of the configuration file to read. fmt : str, optional The format of the configuration file. """ filepath = pathlib.Path(name) if fmt is None: fmt = filepath.suffix[1:] try: loader = getattr(cls, f"load_{fmt}") except AttributeError as error: raise ValueError(f"unrecognized format: {fmt}") from error with open(name) as fp: times_and_params = loader(fp) return cls(*zip(*times_and_params))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_yaml(stream: TextIO) -> list[tuple[float, dict]]: """Load a configuration in *yaml*-format. Parameters ---------- stream : file-like The *yaml*-formatted configuration. Returns ------- list of (float, dict) The configurations and their associated times. """ doc = yaml.safe_load_all(stream) params = [] for d in doc: if isinstance(d, list): params.extend(d) else: params.append(d) return [(d.pop("_time", idx), d) for idx, d in enumerate(params)]
[docs] @staticmethod def load_toml(stream: TextIO) -> list[tuple[float, dict]]: """Load a configuration in *toml*-format. Parameters ---------- stream : file-like The *toml*-formatted configuration. Returns ------- list of (float, dict) The configurations and their associated times. """ def _tomlkit_to_popo(d: Any) -> Any: try: result = d.value except AttributeError: result = d if isinstance(result, list): result = [_tomlkit_to_popo(x) for x in result] elif isinstance(result, dict): result = { _tomlkit_to_popo(key): _tomlkit_to_popo(val) for key, val in result.items() } elif isinstance(result, toml.items.Integer): result = int(result) elif isinstance(result, toml.items.Float): result = float(result) elif isinstance(result, (toml.items.String, str)): result = str(result) elif isinstance(result, (toml.items.Bool, bool)): result = bool(result) else: warnings.warn( "unexpected type ({!r}) encountered when converting toml to a dict".format( result.__class__.__name__ ), stacklevel=2, ) return result doc = toml.parse("sequence") if isinstance(doc, list): params = [_tomlkit_to_popo(table) for table in doc] else: params = [_tomlkit_to_popo(doc)] return [(d.pop("_time", idx), d) for idx, d in enumerate(params)]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_loader(fmt: str) -> Callable[[TextIO], list[tuple[float, dict]]]: """Get a configuration loader for a given format. Parameters ---------- fmt : str The configuration format (e.g. 'toml', 'yaml'). Returns ------- func A loader function for the format. Raises ------ ValueError If a loader for the format can't be found. """ try: return getattr(TimeVaryingConfig, f"load_{fmt}") except AttributeError as error: fmts = set(TimeVaryingConfig.get_supported_formats()) raise ValueError( f"unrecognized format: {fmt!r} (not on of {fmts!r})" ) from error
[docs] @staticmethod def get_supported_formats() -> list[str]: """Return a list of supported configuration formats. Returns ------- list of str Names of the supported formats. """ return [ name.split("_", maxsplit=1)[1] for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(TimeVaryingConfig, inspect.isfunction) if name.startswith("load_") ]
def _flatten_dict(d: dict, sep: str | None = None) -> dict: """Flatten a dictionary so that each value has it's own key. Parameters ---------- d : dict The dictionary to flatten. sep : str, optional Separator to use when creating flattened keys. Returns ------- dict A flattened version of the dictionary. Examples -------- >>> from sequence.input_reader import _flatten_dict >>> sorted(_flatten_dict({"foo": 0, "bar": 1}).items()) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 0)] >>> sorted(_flatten_dict({"foo": {"baz": 0, "foobar": "baz"}, "bar": 1}).items()) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo', 'baz'), 0), (('foo', 'foobar'), 'baz')] >>> sorted(_flatten_dict( ... {"foo": {"baz": 0, "foobar": "baz"}, "bar": 1}, sep=".").items() ... ) [('bar', 1), ('foo.baz', 0), ('foo.foobar', 'baz')] """ if sep is None: return dict(_walk_dict(d)) # return {keys: value for keys, value in _walk_dict(d)} else: return {sep.join(keys): value for keys, value in _walk_dict(d)} def _add_flattened_item(keys: str, value: Any, base: dict | None = None) -> None: expanded = {} if base is None else base parent, name = keys[:-1], keys[-1] level = expanded for k in parent: if k not in level: level[k] = {} level = level[k] if isinstance(value, tuple): value = list(value) level[name] = value def _expand_dict(flat_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: expanded: dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in flat_dict.items(): _add_flattened_item(key, value, base=expanded) return expanded def _walk_dict(indict: dict[str, Any], prev: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> Iterable: """Walk the elements of a dictionary. Parameters ---------- indict : dict The dictionary to walk. prev : dict, optional The parent dictionary, if any, that is being walked. Yields ------ tuple of (*keys*, value) The first element of the tuple is itself a tuple of the keys that have been walked to get to this point, the second the value. Examples -------- >>> from sequence.input_reader import _walk_dict >>> sorted(_walk_dict({"foo": 0, "bar": 1})) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo',), 0)] >>> sorted(_walk_dict({"foo": {"baz": 0}, "bar": 1})) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo', 'baz'), 0)] >>> sorted(_walk_dict({"foo": {"bar": {"baz": 0, "foo": "bar"}}, "bar": 1})) [(('bar',), 1), (('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 0), (('foo', 'bar', 'foo'), 'bar')] """ if prev is not None: prev_dicts = list(prev) else: prev_dicts = [] if isinstance(indict, dict): for key, value in indict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): yield from _walk_dict(value, prev_dicts + [key]) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): yield tuple(prev_dicts + [key]), value else: yield tuple(prev_dicts + [key]), value else: yield indict