Modifing the Sea-Level Curve#

In this tutorial, we’ll modify the default simulation to use a new sea-level curve.


As before, we create a new folder to hold our input files and create a set of default files.

mkdir sealevel-example && cd sealevel-example
sequence setup

If we look at the default sea level section of the main input file, we see that it defines a sinusoidal curve,

amplitude = 10.0
wave_length = 200000.0
phase = 0.0
linear = 0.0

To change Sequence to instead read sea level values from a file, we replace this section with the following,

filepath = "sealevel.csv"

With this configuration, Sequence will read sea level values from this file every time setup (interpolating between points, as necessary).

# Time [y], Sea-Level Elevation [m]


If this sea-level curve is not defined for all values in your simulation as defined in [sequence.clock] section of you main input file, Sequence will extrapolate using the nearest value of the defined curve.

start = 0.0
stop = 600000.0
step = 100.0