sequence.plot module#

Plot the layers of a SequenceModelGrid.

sequence.plot.plot_file(filename: str | PathLike, row: int | None = None, **kwds: Any) None[source]#

Plot a SequenceModelGrid from a Sequence output file.

  • filename (path-like) – Path to the file to plot.

  • row (int, optional) – Row to plot. If not provided, plot the middle row.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to plot_layers().

See also


Plot layers from a 2D array of elevations.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers.

sequence.plot.plot_grid(grid: SequenceModelGrid, row: int | None = None, **kwds: Any) None[source]#

Plot a SequenceModelGrid.

  • grid (SequenceModelGrid) – The grid to plot.

  • row (int, optional) – The row of the grid to plot. If not provided, plot the middle row.

  • **kwds (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to plot_layers().

See also


Plot layers from a 2D array of elevations.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers from a file.

sequence.plot.plot_layers(elevation_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], x_of_stack: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, x_of_shore_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, x_of_shelf_edge_at_layer: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]] | None = None, color_water: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 1.0, 1.0), color_land: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 1.0, 0.8), color_shoreface: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.8, 0.8, 0.0), color_shelf: tuple[float, float, float] | str = (0.75, 0.5, 0.5), layer_line_width: float = 0.5, layer_line_color: tuple[float, float, float] | str = 'k', layer_start: int = 0, layer_stop: int = -1, n_layers: int = 5, title: str = '', x_label: str = 'Distance (m)', y_label: str = 'Elevation (m)', legend_location: str = 'lower left') None[source]#

Create a plot of sediment layers along a profile.

  • elevation_at_layer (array-like) – Elevations along each layer to plot.

  • x_of_stack (array-like, optional) – X-coordinate of each stack. If not provided, use the stack index.

  • x_of_shore_at_layer (array-like, optional) – The x-position of the shoreline at each layer.

  • x_of_shelf_edge_at_layer (array-like, optional) – The x-position of the shelf edge at each layer.

  • color_water (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for water.

  • color_land (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for land.

  • color_shoreface (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for the shoreface.

  • color_shelf (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for the shelf.

  • layer_line_width (float, optional) – Width of the line to use for outlining layers.

  • layer_line_color (color, optional) – A matplotlib.colors color to use for layer outlines.

  • layer_start (int, optional) – The first layer to plot.

  • layer_stop (int, optional) – The last layer to plot.

  • n_layers (int, optional) – The number of layers to plot.

  • title (str, optional) – The title to use for the plot.

  • x_label (str, optional) – The label to use for the x-axis.

  • y_label (str, optional) – The label to use for the y-axis.

  • legend_location (str, optional) – The location of the legend. Valid values are those accepted by the loc keyword use in matplotlib.pyplot.legend().

See also


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers from a file.


Plot a SequenceModelGrid’s layers.