Source code for sequence.sequence_model

"""Build a `SequenceModelGrid` model from collection of components."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
from import Iterable
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import tomlkit
from compaction.landlab import Compact
from landlab.bmi.bmi_bridge import TimeStepper
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from sequence.bathymetry import BathymetryReader
from sequence.errors import ParameterMismatchError
from sequence.fluvial import Fluvial
from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
from sequence.output_writer import OutputWriter
from sequence.sea_level import SeaLevelTimeSeries
from sequence.sea_level import SinusoidalSeaLevel
from sequence.sediment_flexure import SedimentFlexure
from sequence.sediment_flexure import WaterFlexure
from sequence.shoreline import ShorelineFinder
from sequence.submarine import SubmarineDiffuser
from sequence.subsidence import SubsidenceTimeSeries

logger = logging.getLogger("sequence")

[docs] class SequenceModel: """Orchestrate a set of components that operate on a `SequenceModelGrid`.""" ALL_PROCESSES = ( "sea_level", "subsidence", "compaction", "submarine_diffusion", "fluvial", "flexure", ) DEFAULT_PARAMS = { "grid": {"shape": (1, 100), "spacing": (1.0, 1000.0)}, "clock": {"start": 0.0, "stop": 600000.0, "step": 100.0}, "output": { "interval": 10, "filepath": "", "clobber": True, "fields": ["sediment_deposit__thickness", "bedrock_surface__elevation"], }, "submarine_diffusion": { "plain_slope": 0.0008, "wave_base": 60.0, "shoreface_height": 15.0, "alpha": 0.0005, "shelf_slope": 0.001, "sediment_load": 3.0, "load_sealevel": 0.0, "basin_width": 500000.0, }, "sea_level": { "amplitude": 10.0, "wave_length": 200000.0, "phase": 0.0, "linear": 0.0, }, "subsidence": {"filepath": "subsidence.csv"}, "flexure": {"method": "flexure", "rho_mantle": 3300.0, "isostasytime": 0}, "sediments": { "layers": 2, "sand": 1.0, "mud": 0.006, "sand_density": 2650.0, "mud_density": 2720.0, "sand_frac": 0.5, "hemipelagic": 0.0, }, "bathymetry": {"filepath": "bathymetry.csv", "kind": "linear"}, "compaction": { "c": 5.0e-08, "porosity_max": 0.5, "porosity_min": 0.01, "rho_grain": 2650.0, "rho_void": 1000.0, }, } LONG_NAME = {"z": "topographic__elevation", "z0": "bedrock_surface__elevation"}
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, clock: dict | None = None, processes: dict | None = None, output: dict | None = None, ): """Create a model on a `SequenceModelGrid`. Parameters ---------- grid : SequenceModelGrid The grid on which the model is run. clock : dict Parameters for the model's clock. processes : iterable of components A list of the components to run as part of the model. output : component A component used to write output files. """ if processes is None: processes = {} self._grid = grid self._clock = TimeStepper(**clock) self._components = OrderedDict(processes) if output is not None: self._components["output"] = OutputWriter(self._grid, **output) self.grid.at_row["x_of_shore"][:] = np.nan self.grid.at_row["x_of_shelf_edge"][:] = np.nan self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] = 0.0 self._n_archived_layers = 0 z0 = grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"] self.grid.event_layers.add( 100.0, age=self.clock.start, water_depth=-z0[self.grid.core_nodes], t0=10.0, percent_sand=0.5, porosity=0.5, ) with suppress(KeyError): self._components["sea_level"].time = self.clock.time if "water__total_of_loading" in self.grid.at_node: water_load = WaterFlexure.calc_water_loading( self.grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation") - self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"], 1030.0, ) self.grid.get_profile("water__total_of_loading")[:] = water_load self.timer: dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_grid(params: dict, bathymetry: dict | None = None) -> SequenceModelGrid: """Load a `SequenceModelGrid`. Parameters ---------- params : dict Parameters used to create the grid. bathymetry : dict, optional Parameters used to set the initial bathymetry of the grid. """ grid = SequenceModelGrid.from_dict(params) if bathymetry is not None: BathymetryReader(grid, **bathymetry).run_one_step() z = grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] grid.add_field("bedrock_surface__elevation", z - 100.0, at="node") return grid
[docs] @staticmethod def load_processes( grid: SequenceModelGrid, processes: Iterable[str], context: dict[str, dict] ) -> dict: """Instantiate processes. Parameters ---------- grid : SequenceModelGrid A Sequence grid. processes : Iterable[str], optional List of the names of the processes to create. context : dict A context from which to draw parameters to create the processes. """ if "fluvial" not in processes: processes = list(processes) + ["fluvial"] if "shoreline" not in processes: processes = list(processes) + ["shoreline"] params: dict[str, dict] = defaultdict(dict) params.update( {process: context.get(process, {}).copy() for process in processes} ) params_to_match = [ ("fluvial", "submarine_diffusion", ["sediment_load", "plain_slope"]), ("fluvial", "sediments", ["hemipelagic"]), ("shoreline", "submarine_diffusion", ["alpha"]), ("water_flexure", "flexure", ["isostasytime", "eet"]), ] for d1, d2, keys in params_to_match: try: matched_values = _match_values(params[d1], params[d2], keys) except ParameterMismatchError as error: msg = os.linesep.join( [ tomlkit.dumps( {"sequence": {d1: {k: params[d1][k] for k in error.keys}}} ), tomlkit.dumps( {"sequence": {d2: {k: params[d2][k] for k in error.keys}}} ), ] ) logger.warning(os.linesep.join([str(error), msg])) else: msg = os.linesep.join( [ tomlkit.dumps({"sequence": {d1: matched_values}}), tomlkit.dumps({"sequence": {d2: matched_values}}), ] ) if len(matched_values) > 0: logger.debug( os.linesep.join( [ "matched value" f"{'s' if len(matched_values) > 1 else ''} between " f"{d1!r} and {d2!r}", msg, ] ) ) params[d1].update(matched_values) params[d2].update(matched_values) for name, values in params.items(): logger.debug( os.linesep.join( [ f"reading configuration: {name}", tomlkit.dumps({"sequence": {name: values}}), ] ) ) process_class = { "subsidence": SubsidenceTimeSeries, "compaction": Compact, "submarine_diffusion": SubmarineDiffuser, "fluvial": Fluvial, "flexure": SedimentFlexure, "shoreline": ShorelineFinder, "water_flexure": WaterFlexure, } try: params["sea_level"]["filepath"] except KeyError: process_class["sea_level"] = SinusoidalSeaLevel else: process_class["sea_level"] = SeaLevelTimeSeries processes = OrderedDict( [(name, process_class[name](grid, **params[name])) for name in processes] ) return processes
@property def grid(self) -> SequenceModelGrid: """Return the model's grid.""" return self._grid @property def clock(self) -> TimeStepper: """Return the model's clock.""" return self._clock @property def components(self) -> tuple: """Return the name of enabled components.""" return tuple(self._components)
[docs] def set_params(self, params: dict[str, dict]) -> None: """Update the parameters for the model's processes. Parameters ---------- params : dict The new parameters for the processes. """ for component, values in params.items(): c = self._components[component] for param, value in values.items(): setattr(c, param, value)
[docs] def run_one_step(self, dt: float | None = None) -> None: """Run each component for one time step.""" dt = dt or self.clock.step self.clock.dt = dt self.clock.advance() self.advance_components(dt)
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run the model until complete.""" with suppress(StopIteration): while 1: self.run_one_step()
[docs] def advance_components(self, dt: float) -> None: """Update each of the components by a time step. Parameters ---------- dt : float The time step to advance the components. """ self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"].fill(0.0) for name, component in self._components.items(): time_before = time.time() component.run_one_step(dt) self.timer[name] += time.time() - time_before self.grid.event_layers.add( self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"][self.grid.node_at_cell], **self.layer_properties(), ) self._update_fields() if ( self.grid.event_layers.number_of_layers - self._n_archived_layers ) % 20 == 0: self.grid.event_layers.reduce( self._n_archived_layers, self._n_archived_layers + 10, **self.layer_reducers(), ) self._n_archived_layers += 1
[docs] def layer_properties(self) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]: """Return the properties being tracked at each layer. Returns ------- properties : dict A dictionary of the tracked properties where the keys are the names of properties and the values are the property values at each column. """ dz = self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"] water_depth = ( self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] - self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] ) properties = { "age": self.clock.time, "water_depth": water_depth[self.grid.node_at_cell], "t0": dz[self.grid.node_at_cell].clip(0.0), "porosity": 0.5, } if "compaction" in self._components: properties["porosity"] = self._components["compaction"].porosity_max try: percent_sand = self.grid.at_node["delta_sediment_sand__volume_fraction"] except KeyError: pass else: properties["percent_sand"] = percent_sand[self.grid.node_at_cell] return properties
[docs] def layer_reducers(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return layer-reducers for each property. Returns ------- reducers : dict A dictionary of reducers where keys are property names and values are functions that act as layer reducers for those quantities. """ reducers = { "age": np.max, "water_depth": np.mean, "t0": np.sum, "porosity": np.mean, } if "percent_sand" in self.grid.event_layers.tracking: reducers["percent_sand"] = np.mean return reducers
def _update_fields(self) -> None: """Update fields that depend on other fields.""" old_water_depth = np.clip( self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] - self.grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation"), a_min=0.0, a_max=None, ) if "sediment__total_of_loading" in self.grid.at_node: sediment_load = SedimentFlexure._calc_loading( self.grid.get_profile("sediment_deposit__thickness"), self.grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation") - self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"], 0.5, SedimentFlexure._calc_density( self.grid.get_profile("delta_sediment_sand__volume_fraction"), 2650.0, 2720.0, ), 1030.0, ) self.grid.get_profile("sediment__total_of_loading")[:] += sediment_load if "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" in self.grid.at_node: self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"] += self.grid.at_node[ "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" ] self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation"][:] = 0.0 self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] = ( self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] + self.grid.event_layers.thickness ) new_water_depth = np.clip( self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] - self.grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation"), a_min=0.0, a_max=None, ) if "water__increment_of_depth" in self.grid.at_node: change_in_water_depth = self.grid.get_profile("water__increment_of_depth") change_in_water_depth[:] = new_water_depth - old_water_depth
def _match_values(d1: dict, d2: dict, keys: Iterable[str]) -> dict: """Match values between two dictionaries. Parameters ---------- d1 : dict The first dictionary. d2 : dict The second dictionary. keys : iterable The keys to match between dictionaries. Returns ------- dict A key/value pairs that were matched. Examples -------- >>> a, b = {"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, {"baz": 2} >>> _match_values(a, b, ["bar"]) {'bar': 1} >>> a, b = {"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, {"baz": 2} >>> sorted(_match_values(a, b, ["foo", "baz"]).items()) [('baz', 2), ('foo', 0)] >>> a, b = {"bar": 1}, {"bar": 2} >>> _match_values(a, b, ["bar"]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... sequence.errors.ParameterMismatchError: mismatch in parameter: 'bar' >>> a, b = {"bar": 1}, {"bar": 2} >>> _match_values(a, b, ["foo"]) {} """ mismatched_keys: list[str] = [] matched = {} for key in keys: with suppress(KeyError): matched[key] = d2[key] with suppress(KeyError): matched.setdefault(key, d1[key]) if matched[key] != d1[key]: mismatched_keys.append(key) if mismatched_keys: raise ParameterMismatchError(mismatched_keys) return matched