Source code for sequence.sediment_flexure

"""Subside a `SequenceModelGrid` using flexure."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import tomlkit as toml
from landlab.components.flexure import Flexure1D
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid

logger = logging.getLogger("sequence")

[docs] class DynamicFlexure(Flexure1D): """Calculate non-isostatic flexure."""
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, **kwds: dict[str, Any], ): """Inherit from this base class for non-isostatic flexure. Parameters ---------- grid : SequenceModelGrid A *Landlab* grid. isostasytime : float, optional The e-folding time for a deflection to reach equilibrium. **kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments that are passed to :class:`~Flexure1D`. """ if isostasytime is None or np.isclose(isostasytime, 0.0): self._isostasy_time = None else: self._isostasy_time = self.validate_isostasy_time(isostasytime) active_rows = np.arange(1, grid.shape[0] - 1) super().__init__(grid, rows=active_rows, method="flexure", **kwds) self._subsidence_pool = np.zeros((len(active_rows), grid.shape[1]), dtype=float)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_isostasy_time(time: float) -> float: """Validate an isostasy time value. Parameters ---------- time : float The isostasy time value to validate. Returns ------- float The isostasy time value. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the value is invalid. """ if time < 0.0: raise ValueError(f"negative isostasy time ({time})") return time
@property def isostasy_time(self) -> float | None: """Return the isostasy time.""" return self._isostasy_time
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_isostasy_fraction(isostasy_time: float | None, dt: float) -> float: """Calculate the fraction of isostatic subsidence. Parameters ---------- isostasy_time : float or None The time parameter that represente the e-folding time to isostasy. If ``None``, assume isostasy. dt : float Time step. Returns ------- float Fraction of isostatic subsidence that occurs over the time step. """ if isostasy_time is None: return 1.0 else: return 1.0 - np.exp(-dt / isostasy_time)
[docs] def calc_dynamic_deflection( self, isostatic_deflection: NDArray[np.floating], dt: float ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate the non-isostatic deflection. Parameters ---------- isostatic_deflection : ndarray of float The isostatic deflection. dt : float Time step over which to subside. Returns ------- deflection : ndarray of float The deflections over the given time step. """ isostasy_fraction = self.calc_isostasy_fraction(self.isostasy_time, dt) isostasy_fraction /= self.grid.shape[0] - 2 self._subsidence_pool[:] += isostatic_deflection deflection = self._subsidence_pool[:] * isostasy_fraction self._subsidence_pool[:] -= deflection return deflection
[docs] class WaterFlexure(DynamicFlexure): """*Landlab* component that deflects a `SequenceModelGrid` due to water loading."""
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, **kwds: dict, ): """Calculate flexural subsidence due to changes in water loading. Parameters ---------- grid : SequenceModelGrid A *Landlab* grid. isostasytime : float The e-folding time for a deflection to reach equilibrium. water_density : float, optional Density of water. **kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments that are passed to :class:`~Flexure1D`. """ if "lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure", at="node") if "water__increment_of_depth" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("water__increment_of_depth", at="node") if "sea_level__increment_of_elevation" not in grid.at_grid: grid.at_grid["sea_level__increment_of_elevation"] = 0.0 super().__init__(grid, isostasytime=isostasytime, **kwds) if "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation", at="node") self._dt = 1.0 logger.debug( "Flexure parameters\n" + toml.dumps( { "isostasy_time": 0.0 if self._isostasy_time is None else self._isostasy_time, "alpha": self.alpha, "rigidity": self.rigidity, "gamma_mantle": self.gamma_mantle, "method": self.method, "eet": self.eet, "youngs": self.youngs, } ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_water_loading( z: NDArray[np.floating], water_density: float ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate the water load.""" water_depth = np.clip(-z, a_min=0.0, a_max=None) return water_density * water_depth
[docs] def calc_half_plane_deflection(self, load: float) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate the deflection due to a half-plane load. Parameters ---------- load : float The added (or removed) load. Returns ------- ndarray The deflections along the grid. """ x = self.grid.x_of_node[: self.grid.shape[1]] r = (x[-1] - x) / self.alpha c = load / (2.0 * self.gamma_mantle) return c * np.exp(-r) * np.cos(r)
[docs] def calc_flexure_due_to_water( self, change_in_water_depth: NDArray[np.floating], change_in_sea_level: float ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate flexure due to water loading. Parameters ---------- change_in_water_depth : ndarray or float The change in water depth along the profile causing the deflection. change_in_sea_level : float The change in sea level that adds to the deflection. Returns ------- ndarray of float Deflections along the profile caused by the water loading. """ load = change_in_water_depth * self.rho_water * self.gravity * self.grid.dx return Flexure1D.calc_flexure( self.grid.x_of_node[: self.grid.shape[1]], load, self.alpha, self.rigidity ) + self.calc_half_plane_deflection( change_in_sea_level * self.rho_water * self.gravity )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Update the component by a single time step.""" self.grid.get_profile("lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation").fill(0.0) change_in_sea_level = self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__increment_of_elevation"] change_in_water_depth = self.grid.get_profile("water__increment_of_depth") isostatic_deflection = self.calc_flexure_due_to_water( change_in_water_depth, change_in_sea_level ) deflection = self.calc_dynamic_deflection(isostatic_deflection, self._dt) total_deflection = self.grid.get_profile( "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" ) total_deflection[:] -= deflection logger.debug( "deflection due to water loading\n" f"min = {deflection.min()}\n" f"max = {deflection.max()}" )
[docs] def run_one_step(self, dt: float) -> None: """Update the component by a time step. Parameters ---------- dt : float The time step over which to update the component. """ self._dt = dt self.update()
[docs] class SedimentFlexure(DynamicFlexure): """*Landlab* component that deflects a `SequenceModelGrid` due to sediment loading.""" _name = "Sediment-loading flexure" _unit_agnostic = True _time_units = "y" _info = { "sediment__total_of_loading": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "in", "optional": True, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Total sediment loading", }, "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": True, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Total amount of subsidence", }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, sand_density: float = 2650, mud_density: float = 2720.0, isostasytime: float | None = 7000.0, water_density: float = 1030.0, **kwds: dict, ): """Subside elevations due to sediment loading. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A landlab grid. sand_density : float, optional Grain density of the sediment sand-fraction. mud_density : float, optional Grain density of the sediment mud-fraction. water_density : float, optional Density of water. isostasytime : float, optional Response time of the lithosphere to loading. **kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments that are passed to :class:`~Flexure1D`. """ self._water_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(water_density) self._sand_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(sand_density) self._mud_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(mud_density) self._rho_sand = self.calc_bulk_density( self.sand_density, self.water_density, 0.4 ) self._rho_mud = self.calc_bulk_density( self.mud_density, self.water_density, 0.65 ) kwds.pop("method", None) self._dt = 1.0 if "sediment__total_of_loading" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("sediment__total_of_loading", at="node") super().__init__(grid, isostasytime=isostasytime, **kwds) if "lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure", at="node") if "lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_empty("lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation", at="node") if "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation", at="node") self._last_load = self.grid.get_profile("sediment__total_of_loading").copy() logger.debug( "Flexure parameters\n" + toml.dumps( { "sand_density": self._sand_density, "mud_density": self._mud_density, "water_density": self._water_density, "isostasy_time": 0.0 if self.isostasy_time is None else self.isostasy_time, "alpha": self.alpha, "rigidity": self.rigidity, "gamma_mantle": self.gamma_mantle, "method": self.method, "eet": self.eet, "youngs": self.youngs, } ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_bulk_density( grain_density: float | NDArray[np.floating], void_density: float | NDArray[np.floating], porosity: float | NDArray[np.floating], ) -> float | NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate the bulk density of a material with a given porosity. Parameters ---------- grain_density : float Density of grains. void_density : float Density of material that fills the void space. porosity : float The porosity of the mixture. Returns ------- float The bulk density of the material. """ return porosity * (void_density - grain_density) + grain_density
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_density(density: float) -> float: """Validate a density value. Parameters ---------- density : float The density value to validate. Returns ------- float The density value. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the value is invalid. """ if density <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"negative or zero density ({density})") return density
@property def sand_density(self) -> float: """Return the density of sand.""" return self._sand_density @sand_density.setter def sand_density(self, density: float) -> None: # porosity = 40% self._sand_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(density) self._rho_sand = SedimentFlexure.calc_bulk_density( self.sand_density, self.water_density, 0.4 ) @property def sand_bulk_density(self) -> float | NDArray[np.floating]: """Return the bulk density of sand.""" return self._rho_sand @property def mud_density(self) -> float: """Return the density of mud.""" return self._mud_density @mud_density.setter def mud_density(self, density: float) -> None: # porosity = 65% self._mud_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(density) self._rho_mud = SedimentFlexure.calc_bulk_density( self.mud_density, self.water_density, 0.65 ) @property def mud_bulk_density(self) -> float | NDArray[np.floating]: """Return the bulk density of mud.""" return self._rho_mud @property def water_density(self) -> float: """Return the density of water.""" return self._water_density @water_density.setter def water_density(self, density: float) -> None: self._water_density = SedimentFlexure.validate_density(density) self._rho_sand = SedimentFlexure.calc_bulk_density( self.sand_density, self.water_density, 0.4 ) self._rho_mud = SedimentFlexure.calc_bulk_density( self.mud_density, self.water_density, 0.65 ) @staticmethod def _calc_loading( deposit_thickness: NDArray[np.floating], z: NDArray[np.floating], sediment_porosity: float, sediment_density: float | NDArray[np.floating], water_density: float, ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate the loading due to a, possibly submerged, sediment deposit. Parameters ---------- deposit_thickness : array-like The amount of sediment deposited along the profile. z : array-like The elevation of the profile before the new sediment has been added. sediment_porosity : float The porosity of the sediment. sediment_density : float The bulk density of the added sediment. water_density : float The density of water. Returns ------- ndarray The loading along the profile. """ z_new = z + deposit_thickness dry = (z >= 0.0) & (z_new >= 0.0) wet = (z <= 0.0) & (z_new <= 0.0) void_density = np.zeros_like(z) void_density[wet] = water_density mixed = ~dry & ~wet dry_fraction = np.abs( np.maximum(z_new[mixed], z[mixed]) / deposit_thickness[mixed] ) void_density[mixed] = water_density * (1.0 - dry_fraction) density = SedimentFlexure.calc_bulk_density( sediment_density, void_density, sediment_porosity ) return density * deposit_thickness @staticmethod def _calc_density( sand_fraction: float | NDArray, sand_density: float, mud_density: float ) -> float | NDArray: """Calculate the density of a sand/mud mixture. Parameters ---------- sand_fraction : float or ndarray Fraction of sediment that is sand. The rest is mud. sand_density : float The density of the sand. mud_density : float The density of the mud. Returns ------- float or ndarray The density of the mixture. Examples -------- >>> from sequence.sediment_flexure import SedimentFlexure >>> SedimentFlexure._calc_density(0.5, 1600, 1200) 1400.0 >>> SedimentFlexure._calc_density([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0], 1600.0, 1200.0) array([ 1600., 1500., 1400., 1300., 1200.]) """ sand_fraction = np.asarray(sand_fraction) return sand_fraction * sand_density + (1.0 - sand_fraction) * mud_density
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Update the component by a single time step.""" self.grid.get_profile("lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation").fill(0.0) total_load = self.grid.get_profile("sediment__total_of_loading") new_load = total_load - self._last_load self._last_load[:] = total_load pressure = self.grid.get_profile("lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure") pressure[:] = new_load * self.gravity * self.grid.dx Flexure1D.update(self) isostatic_deflection = self.grid.get_profile( "lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation" ) deflection = self.calc_dynamic_deflection(isostatic_deflection, self._dt) total_deflection = self.grid.get_profile( "bedrock_surface__increment_of_elevation" ) total_deflection -= deflection logger.debug( "deflection due to sediment loading\n" f"min = {deflection.min()}\n" f"max = {deflection.max()}" )
[docs] def run_one_step(self, dt: float = 1.0) -> None: """Update the component by a time step. Parameters ---------- dt : float, optional The time step over which to update the component. """ self._dt = dt self.update()