Source code for sequence.bathymetry

"""Read bathymetry.

This module contains *Landlab* components to read bathymetry into a
from __future__ import annotations

from os import PathLike

import numpy as np
from landlab import Component
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy import interpolate

from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid

[docs] class BathymetryReader(Component): """Landlab component that reads bathymetry from a file.""" _name = "Bathymetry" _unit_agnostic = True _info = { "topographic__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Surface elevation", } }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, filepath: str | PathLike[str], kind: str = "linear", ): """Generate a bathymetric profile from a file. Parameters ---------- grid: SequenceModelGrid A landlab grid. filepath: str Name of csv-formatted bathymetry file. kind: str, optional Kind of interpolation as a string (one of 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'). Default is 'linear'. """ super().__init__(grid) data = np.loadtxt(filepath, delimiter=",", comments="#") self._bathymetry = interpolate.interp1d( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], kind=kind, copy=True, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=True, ) if "topographic__elevation" not in self.grid.at_node: self.grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
@property def x(self) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Return the x-coordinates of the grid.""" return self.grid.x_of_node[self.grid.nodes_at_bottom_edge] @property def z(self) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Return the elevations along the grid.""" return self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][ self.grid.nodes_at_bottom_edge ]
[docs] def run_one_step(self, dt: float | None = None) -> None: """Update the grid's bathymetry. Parameters ---------- dt : float, optional Time step to update the component by. Currently this value is unused. """ z = self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"].reshape(self.grid.shape) z[:] = self._bathymetry(self.grid.x_of_node[self.grid.nodes_at_bottom_edge])
def _create_initial_profile( x: NDArray[np.floating], sl_plain: float = 0.0008, init_shore: float = 19750.0, hgt: float = 15.0, alpha: float = 1 / 2000.0, sl_sh: float = 0.001, wavebase: float = 60.0, ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: # check shoreline is in array, else put in center of array if x[-1] < init_shore: init_shore = (x[0] + x[-1]) / 2 z = np.empty_like(x) land = x < init_shore z[land] = (init_shore - x[land]) * sl_plain z[~land] = (init_shore - x[~land]) * sl_sh - hgt * ( 1 - np.exp((init_shore - x[~land]) * alpha) ) return z