Source code for sequence.logging

"""Logger used for printing Sequence log messages."""
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
import sys
from import Generator
from typing import Any

import click

logger = logging.getLogger("sequence")

LOG_LEVEL_STYLES: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {
    "DEBUG": {"bold": True, "dim": True},
    "INFO": {"bold": True, "dim": True, "fg": "green"},
    "WARNING": {"bold": True, "fg": "bright_yellow"},
    "ERROR": {"bold": True, "fg": "bright_red"},
    "CRITICAL": {"bold": True, "fg": "bright_red"},

MULTILINE_STYLES: dict[str, Any] = {"dim": True, "italic": True}

[docs] class LoggingHandler(logging.Handler): """Print Sequence log messages."""
[docs] def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: """Print a log message. Parameters ---------- record : LogRecord The log to print. """ level_msg = f"[{record.levelname}]", **LOG_LEVEL_STYLES[record.levelname] ) lines = record.getMessage().splitlines() if len(lines) == 0: lines = [""] print(f"{level_msg} {lines[0]}", file=sys.stderr) if len(lines) > 1: for line in lines[1:]: print("+ {line}", **MULTILINE_STYLES), file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def logging_handler() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Change, temporarily, the current logger.""" handler = LoggingHandler() logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) try: yield finally: logger.removeHandler(handler)