Source code for sequence.submarine

"""Diffuse sediment along a profile."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from landlab.components import LinearDiffuser
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
from sequence.shoreline import find_shoreline

[docs] class SubmarineDiffuser(LinearDiffuser): """Model sea-floor evolution on a `SequenceModelGrid` as diffusion.""" _name = "Submarine Diffusion" _time_units = "y" _info = { "sea_level__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "grid", "doc": "Position of sea level", }, "topographic__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "land and ocean bottom elevation, positive up", }, "sediment_deposit__thickness": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Thickness of deposition or erosion", }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, sea_level: float = 0.0, plain_slope: float = 0.0008, wave_base: float = 60.0, shoreface_height: float = 15.0, alpha: float = 0.0005, shelf_slope: float = 0.001, sediment_load: float = 3.0, load_sealevel: float = 0.0, basin_width: float = 500000.0, **kwds: Any, ): """Diffuse the ocean bottom. Parameters ---------- grid: RasterModelGrid A landlab grid. sea_level: float, optional The current sea level (m). plain_slope: float, optional Slope of the delta plain (m / m). wave_base: float, optional Wave base (m). shoreface_height: float, optional Water depth of the shelf/slope break (m). alpha: float, optional Coefficient used to calculate the diffusion coefficient (1 / m). shelf_slope: float, optional Slope of the shelf (m / m). sediment_load: float, optional Sediment load entering the profile (m2 / y). load_sealevel: float, optional Fractional variation of sediment load with sea level (m2/y/m_sl). i.e., .003 =0.3% increase/decrease with sea level rise/fall (30% with 100m) basin_width: float, optional Length of drainage basin upstream of model. Creates increase in diffusivity downstream by (basin_width + x) / basin_width from increase river flow (m). **kwds: dict, optional Additional keyword arguments that are passed along to :class:`~LinearDiffuser`. """ self._plain_slope = float(plain_slope) self._wave_base = float(wave_base) self._shoreface_height = float(shoreface_height) self._alpha = float(alpha) self._shelf_slope = float(shelf_slope) self._load0 = float(sediment_load) self._load_sl = float(load_sealevel) self._sea_level = sea_level self._load = self._load0 * (1 + self._sea_level * self._load_sl) self._ksh = self._load / self._plain_slope self._basin_width = float(basin_width) grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] = sea_level self._sea_level = grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] grid.at_grid["sediment_load"] = self._load if "kd" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("kd", at="node") if "sediment_deposit__thickness" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("sediment_deposit__thickness", at="node") self._time = 0.0 kwds.setdefault("linear_diffusivity", "kd") super().__init__(grid, **kwds)
@property def plain_slope(self) -> float: """Return the gradient of the delta plain.""" return self._plain_slope @plain_slope.setter def plain_slope(self, value: float) -> None: self._plain_slope = float(value) self._ksh = self._load / self._plain_slope @property def wave_base(self) -> float: """Return the depth of the wave base.""" return self._wave_base @wave_base.setter def wave_base(self, value: float) -> None: self._wave_base = float(value) @property def shoreface_height(self) -> float: """Return the height of the shoreface.""" return self._shoreface_height @shoreface_height.setter def shoreface_height(self, value: float) -> None: self._shoreface_height = float(value) @property def alpha(self) -> float: """Return the alpha parameter.""" return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value: float) -> None: self._alpha = float(value) @property def shelf_slope(self) -> float: """Return the slope of the shelf.""" return self._shelf_slope @shelf_slope.setter def shelf_slope(self, value: float) -> None: self._shelf_slope = float(value) @property def sediment_load(self) -> float: """Return the sediment load entering the profile.""" return self._load0 @sediment_load.setter def sediment_load(self, value: float) -> None: self._load0 = float(value) self._load = self._load0 * (1 + self._sea_level * self._load_sl) self._ksh = self._load / self._plain_slope self.grid.at_grid["sediment_load"] = self._load @property def load0(self) -> float: """Return the sediment load entering the profile.""" return self._load0 @property def k_land(self) -> float: """Return the diffusion coefficient use for land.""" return self._ksh @property def time(self) -> float: """Return the component's current time.""" return self._time @property def sea_level(self) -> float: """Return sea level elevation.""" return self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] @sea_level.setter def sea_level(self, sea_level: float) -> None: self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] = sea_level
[docs] def calc_diffusion_coef( self, x_of_shore: NDArray[np.floating] | float ) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Calculate and store diffusion coefficient values. Parameters ---------- x_of_shore : float The x-position of the shoreline. Examples -------- The example below tests the result with 3 of the middle-row nodes above sea level and three below, two of which are in deep water (below the default 60 m wave base). >>> from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid >>> import numpy as np >>> grid = SequenceModelGrid((1, 6), spacing=(1.0, 200.0)) >>> z = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node") >>> z[6:12] = np.array([3., 3., 1., -1., -85., -85.]) >>> z.reshape((3, 6)) array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 3., 3., 1., -1., -85., -85.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> submarine_diffuser = SubmarineDiffuser(grid, basin_width=0.0) >>> diffusion_coef = submarine_diffuser.calc_diffusion_coef(x_of_shore=500.0) >>> np.round(diffusion_coef.reshape((3, 6))[1]) array([ 3750., 3750., 3750., 333., 11., 16.]) The calculated diffusion coefficient is also saved as an *at-node* field. >>> diffusion_coef is grid.at_node["kd"] True """ x_of_shore = np.atleast_1d(x_of_shore) sea_level = self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] water_depth = sea_level - self._grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation") k = self.grid.get_profile("kd") x = self.grid.x_of_column n_rows = k.shape[0] assert len(x_of_shore) == n_rows for row in range(n_rows): under_water = water_depth[row] > 0.0 deep_water = water_depth[row] > self._wave_base land = ~under_water b = ( self._shoreface_height * self._alpha + self._shelf_slope ) * self.grid.dx k[row, under_water] = ( self._load * ((x[under_water] - x_of_shore[row]) + self.grid.dx) / (water_depth[row, under_water] + b) ) k[row, deep_water] *= np.exp( -(water_depth[row, deep_water] - self._wave_base) / self._wave_base ) self._load = self._load0 * (1 + sea_level * self._load_sl) self._ksh = self._load / self._plain_slope if self._basin_width > 0.0: k[row, land] = ( self._ksh * (self._basin_width + x[land]) / self._basin_width ) else: k[row, land] = self._ksh # TODO: modify diffusion outside of the channel row. if row != n_rows // 2: k[row, land] *= 0.5 # if row == n_rows // 2: # if self._basin_width > 0.0: # k[row, land] = ( # self._ksh * (self._basin_width + x[land]) / self._basin_width # ) # else: # k[row, land] = self._ksh # else: # outside of the channel with low diffusivity # if self._basin_width > 0.0: # k[row, land] = self._ksh * (self.grid.dx + x[land]) / self._basin_width # else: # k[row, land] = self._ksh * (self.grid.dx) / self._basin_width # if self._basin_width > 0.0: # k[land] = self._ksh * (self._basin_width + x[land]) / self._basin_width # else: # k[land] = self._ksh k = self.grid.at_node["kd"].reshape(self.grid.shape) k[0, :] = k[1, :] k[-1, :] = k[-1, :] return self.grid.at_node["kd"]
[docs] def run_one_step(self, dt: float) -> None: """Advance component one time step. Parameters ---------- dt : float Time step to advance component by. """ shore = find_shoreline( self.grid.x_of_column, self.grid.get_profile("topographic__elevation"), sea_level=self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"], ) self.calc_diffusion_coef(shore) # set elevation at upstream boundary to ensure proper sediment influx x = self.grid.x_of_column z = self._grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"].reshape(self.grid.shape) # k = self._grid.at_node["kd"].reshape(self.grid.shape) # z[1, 0] = z[1,1] + self._load / k[1, 0] * (x[1,1]-x[1,0]) # z[1, 0] = z[1, 1] + self._plain_slope * (x[1, 1] - x[1, 0]) z[1, 0] = z[1, 1] + self._plain_slope * (x[1] - x[0]) z[1:-1, 0] = z[1:-1, 1] + self._plain_slope * (x[1] - x[0]) z_before = self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"].copy() super().run_one_step(dt) dz = self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] - z_before self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][:] = z_before self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"][:] += dz self._time += dt