Source code for sequence.sequence

"""*Sequence*'s main API for constructing sequence-stratigraphic models."""
from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from landlab import Component
from landlab.layers import EventLayers
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from tqdm import trange

from sequence.grid import SequenceModelGrid
from sequence.plot import plot_grid

[docs] class Sequence(Component): """*Landlab* component interface to the *Sequence* model.""" _name = "Sequence" _unit_agnostic = True _info = { "topographic__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "land and ocean bottom elevation, positive up", }, "bedrock_surface__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": True, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "New bedrock elevation following subsidence", }, "sea_level__elevation": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "inout", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "grid", "doc": "Sea level elevation", }, "sediment_deposit__thickness": { "dtype": "float", "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Thickness of deposited or eroded sediment", }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid: SequenceModelGrid, time_step: float = 100.0, components: Iterable | None = None, ): """Create a Sequence model. Parameters ---------- grid : SequenceModelGrid A model grid. time_step : float, optional The time step at which the model will run each of its components. components : iterable, optional A list of components to run every time step. """ self._components = () if components is None else tuple(components) # track = [] if track else track super().__init__(grid) self._time = 0.0 self._time_step = time_step self._n_archived_layers = 0 self.grid.at_layer_grid = EventLayers(1) self.grid.at_layer_row = EventLayers(grid.number_of_rows) if "bedrock_surface__elevation" not in self.grid.at_node: self.grid.add_field( "bedrock_surface__elevation", self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] - 100, at="node", ) initial_sediment_thickness = ( self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] - self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"] ) if (initial_sediment_thickness[self.grid.node_at_cell] > 0.0).any(): self.add_layer(initial_sediment_thickness[self.grid.node_at_cell]) self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] = ( self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] + self.grid.event_layers.thickness ) self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"].fill(0.0)
@property def time(self) -> float: """Return the current model time (in years).""" return self._time
[docs] def update(self, dt: float | None = None) -> None: """Update the model of a given time step. Parameters ---------- dt : float, optional The length of time to run the model for. If not given, update the model a single time step. """ dt = self._time_step if dt is None else dt for component in self._components: component.run_one_step(dt=dt) self._time += dt self.add_layer( self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"][self.grid.node_at_cell] ) self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] = ( self.grid.at_node["bedrock_surface__elevation"][self.grid.node_at_cell] + self.grid.event_layers.thickness ) self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"].fill(0.0)
[docs] def run( self, until: float | None = None, dt: float | None = None, progress_bar: bool = True, ) -> None: """Run the model to a given time. Parameters ---------- until : float, optional The time (in years) to run the model to. If not provided, run for a single time step. dt : float, optional Run using a time step other than what the component was initialized with. progress_bar : bool, optional If ``True`` display a progress bar while the model is running. """ dt = self._time_step if dt is None else dt until = self._time + self._time_step if until is None else until n_steps = int((until - self.time) // dt) if (until - self.time) % dt > 0: n_steps += 1 for _ in trange(n_steps, desc="🚀", disable=not progress_bar): self.update(dt=min(dt, until - self._time))
[docs] def layer_properties(self) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]: """Return the properties being tracked at each layer. Returns ------- properties : dict A dictionary of the tracked properties where the keys are the names of properties and the values are the property values at each column. """ dz = self.grid.at_node["sediment_deposit__thickness"] water_depth = ( self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"] - self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] ) properties = { "age": self.time, "water_depth": water_depth[self.grid.node_at_cell], "t0": dz[self.grid.node_at_cell].clip(0.0), "porosity": 0.5, } try: percent_sand = self.grid.at_node["delta_sediment_sand__volume_fraction"] except KeyError: pass else: properties["percent_sand"] = percent_sand[self.grid.node_at_cell] return properties
[docs] def layer_reducers(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return layer-reducers for each property. Returns ------- reducers : dict A dictionary of reducers where keys are property names and values are functions that act as layer reducers for those quantities. """ reducers = { "age": np.max, "water_depth": np.mean, "t0": np.sum, "porosity": np.mean, } if "percent_sand" in self.grid.event_layers.tracking: reducers["percent_sand"] = np.mean return reducers
[docs] def add_layer(self, dz_at_cell: NDArray[np.floating]) -> None: """Add a new layer to each cell. Properties ---------- dz_at_cell : array-like Thickness of the new layers for each cell along the profile. """ try: x_of_shore = self.grid.at_grid["x_of_shore"] except KeyError: x_of_shore = np.nan try: x_of_shelf_edge = self.grid.at_grid["x_of_shelf_edge"] except KeyError: x_of_shelf_edge = np.nan try: x_of_shores = self.grid.at_row["x_of_shore"] except KeyError: x_of_shores = np.full(self.grid.number_of_rows, np.nan) try: x_of_shelf_edges = self.grid.at_row["x_of_shelf_edge"] except KeyError: x_of_shelf_edges = np.full(self.grid.number_of_rows, np.nan) self.grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][ self.grid.node_at_cell ] += dz_at_cell self.grid.event_layers.add(dz_at_cell, **self.layer_properties()) self.grid.at_layer_grid.add( 1.0, age=self.time, sea_level=self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"], x_of_shore=x_of_shore, x_of_shelf_edge=x_of_shelf_edge, ) self.grid.at_layer_row.add( 1.0, age=self.time, sea_level=self.grid.at_grid["sea_level__elevation"], x_of_shore=x_of_shores, x_of_shelf_edge=x_of_shelf_edges, ) if ( self.grid.event_layers.number_of_layers - self._n_archived_layers ) % 20 == 0: self.grid.event_layers.reduce( self._n_archived_layers, self._n_archived_layers + 10, **self.layer_reducers(), ) self._n_archived_layers += 1
[docs] def plot(self) -> None: """Plot the grid.""" plot_grid(self.grid)